Peter-Paul de Wolf
Statistics Netherlands
P.O. Box 24500
2490 HA The Hague
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 70 337 5060
Last update: 10 Oct 2011
Handbook on Statistical Disclosure Control
One of the major results of the Cenex-project was the start of a handbook on Statistical Disclosure Control.
Much effort has been put in the production of this version of the handbook. We hope that you will find it useful,
but on the other hand we realise that it is not yet the final version.
In the ESSnet project we continued to work on this handbook and produced a more final version.
You can download a copy of the handbook
This is the final ESSnet version of the handbook.
In addition to the handbook and in order to illustrate the methods described we have also started a section of case studies.
As we are in the process of extending and improving the handbook we will appreciate to receive your comments.

Contents of the handbook
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Preface
- 1.2 Introduction
- 1.3 Concepts and Definitions
- 1.4 An approach to Statistical Disclosure Control
- 1.5 The chapters of the handbook
- 1.6 References
- 2 Regulations, a general Background
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Ethical codes
- 2.3 Laws
- 2.4 References
- 3 Microdata
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 A roadmap to the release of a microdata file
- 3.3 Risk assessment
- 3.4 Microdata protection methods 5
- 3.5 Information loss in microdata protection
- 3.6 Software
- 3.7 Introductory example: rules at Statistics Netherlands
- 3.8 Further examples
- 4 Magnitude tabular data
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Disclosure Control Concepts for Magnitude Tabular Data
- 4.3 The τ-ARGUS Implementation of Cell Suppression: Methodological Background, Guidance and Recommendations
- 4.4 Methodological concepts of secondary cell suppression algorithms in τ-ARGUS
- 4.5 Controlled Tabular AdjustmentControlled Tabular Adjustment
- 4.6 References
- 5 Frequency tables
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Disclosure risks
- 5.3 Methods
- 5.4 Rounding
- 5.5 Information loss
- 5.6 Software
- 5.7 References
- 6 Remote access issues
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Research centres
- 6.3 Remote execution
- 6.4 Remote access
- 6.5 Licensing
- 6.6 Confidentiality protection of the analysis results
- 6.7 References
- 7 Glossary
- 8 Index
Case studies A: The release of Microdata Files for Research Purposes
Case studies B: Illustrative examples of the application of particular techniques