Statistical Disclosure Control

Dissemination (WP 7)

Leading partner: CBS

Participating partners: CBS, IStat, StBa, URV


There will be two levels of information dissemination.
1. Ensuring that all partners in the CASC-team will be informed on all the developments in the project. This will ensure the coherence of the team
2. Make sure that all potential users of the results of the CASC-project will have access to the results.
The project team will play an active role in this.

Description of work

For CASC we will have a Web-site, where all the relevant outcomes of the project will be communicated. Both within the project team as well as to all potential users. This Web-site will also contain other relevant information regarding the topic of Statistical Disclosure Control. Maintenance of this WEB-site is also the responsibility of this WP.
We aim at making this WEB-site to be a focal point in the discussion on Statistical Confidentiality. The work in this WP has a strong relation with the project AMRADS of the JSL in Ispra (Italy). In that project the CASC-team will participate to organise workshops and training courses. This will lighten the burden of disseminating the results for this project and adopt the efforts in this specialised project. Besides this WEB-site presentation on the results of the CASC-project will be made at those relevant meetings where we might expect that the potential users of the results of CASC can be reached. Also publications of the results in journals will be made.
Besides this the project team will produce a comprehensive set of documents, describing the ARGUS software packages with the manuals, user guides, guidelines on ‘best practices’ and (references to) background articles. Depending on the appropriate format, this publication will either be a WEB-site or a document. This will be called the reference volume.

Milestones and expected result

The project-team plans to make several contributions to relevant scientific conferences and aims at the publications of its results in major journals. The Web-site will help to make the results of this project known. The reference volume will also contribute to the distribution of knowledge on SDC.